Transformeer jezelf in de persoon die je altijd hebt willen zijn! 

Een unieke kans om Dr. Deepak Mittal in Amsterdam te ontmoeten, een Indiase business tycoon, filantroop en visionair. Dr. Deepak Mittal heeft jarenlange ervaring met meditatie en wil graag zijn kennis m.b.t. zelfrealisatie overbrengen aan de wereld. 


Deze workshop zal je kracht geven om innerlijke vreugde, rust en ultiem geluk te bereiken. Je energielevel krijgt een volledige boost en zal je helpen om je gewenste doelen in het leven te behalen. Je leert de ‘third-eye’ meditatietechniek, welke je zal helpen om je concentratie te verbeteren en je een gelukkig mens te voelen. Kom in contact met je spirituele kracht via geleide meditatietechnieken door Dr. Deepak Mittal en Asana practice door Sandra Van Donkersgoed.



Pak je kans en doe mee met deze 2-daagse ‘life changing’ Soul Yoga workshop.

Dag 1: Zaterdag 22 juni 2019, 11.00 - 13.00u.

Dag 2: Zondag 23 juni 2019, 11.00 - 13.00u.

Locatie: Centrum de Roos, Vondelpark, PC Hooftstraat 183 Amsterdam. 

Kosten: € 35,- in totaal voor 2 dagen van 2,5 uur inclusief thee en iets lekkers.




Transform yourself to become the person you always wanted to be!

An unique opportunity to meet Mr. Deepak Mittal, an Indian business tycoon, philanthropist and visionair. Mr. Deepak Mittal has a lot of experience with meditation and he would like to share his knowledge about self-realisation with the world. 


This workshop will empower you to attain internal happiness, peace & ultimate bliss. It will boost your energy level to the fullest which will help you achieve desired goals in life. You will also learn the third eye meditation technique which will help you improve your concentration and make you a happy person. Get connected to your spiritual power with guided meditation techniques by Dr. Deepak Mittal & Asana practice by Ms. Sandra Van Donkersgoed.


Come & Join this 2 Day life altering Soul Yoga workshop.

Day 1: Saturday, 22th of June 2019 10.30-13 PM.

Day 2: Sunday, 21 July,  10.30 -13 PM.

Venue: Centrum de Roos, Vondelpark, PC Hooftstraat 183, Amsterdam.

Price: € 35,- in total for 2 days of 2,5 hours each day, including tea and delicacies.



Dr. Deepak Mittal


Founder of Soul Yoga


Dr. Deepak Mittal is an Indian business tycoon, investor, philanthropist and visionary. He is the Managing Director of Sonalika Group of Companies.


He has attained his spiritual knowledge from the leading spiritual gurus of India. With years of experience of meditation, he has embarked on this spiritual journey. By engaging on the divine path of spirituality, Dr. Mittal discovered his true self & higher aspects of life.


He truly believes that the most beautiful aspects of spiritualism is that, it can be experienced differently by everyone. With the aim of sharing his precious knowledge of self-realization to the world, Dr. Mittal has developed a unique life-altering meditation technique namely Soul Yoga that will empower you to attain the super conscious state of mind with internal happiness, peace & ultimate bliss.